Identity Reflection
by Skillie Jacques Botha It’s that time of the year again, when you get the time (hopefully) to do a bit of reflection of the 12 months...
You need this rhythm
by Jacques Skillie Botha Oh how we love to walk past amazing things and then go on to moan about stupid things, or tend only to see the...
The next time you braai with your buddies...
by Skillie Jacques Botha It was one of my few off Saturdays and of course we had a braai. My cousin’s hubby-to-be was kuier-ing around...
Sunset diapers and baby vomit
by Skillie Jacques Botha I recently became the very proud dad of a lovely little girl and my heart’s been skipping beats ever since....
Stuff vs Freedom
by Skillie Jacques Botha Humans love getting side-tracked by stuff. Yes stuff — stuff that really don’t matter, but we waste so much time...
Net nie nog leë woorde nie asseblief!
deur Skillie Jacques Botha Dis vreeslik maklik om ’n swaar hart te kies eerder as ’n ligte hart wat liefde en vrede aanpor. Vergifnis is...
“We’re gonna make the best of it, like we do”
deur Skillie Jacques Botha ’n Rukkie terug het ek en my vrou ‘World War Z’ gekyk. (’n Awesome zombie fliek by the way, as dit jou vibe...