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Sunset diapers and baby vomit

by Skillie Jacques Botha

I recently became the very proud dad of a lovely little girl and my heart’s been skipping beats ever since. Look, like every new parent will tell you — these are pretty hectic times. The word ‘sleep’ suddenly became very difficult to define and add on top of that a ‘tad’ of baby vomit and changing diapers as we watch the sunset! Through all the very little sleep and challenges of adapting to life with a stunning new addition to our family, God has been teaching me and shaping me quite a bit!

God opened my eyes to the beauty of children — to be more exact, the beauty of being His child. For the first time I’m grasping a bit better of just how loved we as His children are by Him. Whenever I look into my baby girl’s eyes and we stare deeply into each other’s eyes, I feel that divine-ness going through my heart. Goodness, is this is how I feel when I look into my own child’s eyes, how much must God love me when He’s looking at me. Overwhelming and truly mind blowing. By wanting to give my everything of myself for my daughter, I understand how much God is giving us (not stuff, but love and hope).

The verse about believing like a child in the Bible is not just another nice verse to throw around — it should stir us deeply within our hearts.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

I’ve read something amazing last week, that blew me away even further: ‘How many times does the grown ups ignore the children? It’s so important to understand that something small means a lot for a small little person.’ Whenever my daughter makes baby sounds, cries or laughs, it’s important that I as her father listen to her. It made me realize that God, our Father, listens to and watches over every small little detail of our lives. He truly cares and loves us dearly! Let us run to Him, like little children, soaking in His unending love.

Wherever you are, whoever you are, no matter what your situation — if you’re reading this, know that God loves you to the ends of the universe, and you’re special to Him beyond measure. The reason? You are His child! What a privilege to be loved like that!



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