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A time to recommit, and rejoice!

by Dries Cronje See if you can agree with the following... So God has a plan for my life, right? And that plan is to prosper me, to give me abundant life. He will care for me better than he cares for wildflowers and beautiful birds! Yet, I am also called to spread that life to other people. To be the salt of this earth. To be a light on a hill... And I am called, above all to love. To both give love to my Father, and to other human beings. And to really feel love (and joy and the other fruits of the Spirit). And I really have no business feeling guilty about my sins. They are forgiven and I am now free of them. In fact, I have no business feeling any of the negative emotions and allow those to steal my joy! Simple right? What are we so afraid of then? Why are we reluctant to give ourselves wholeheartedly to Christ? Why do we struggle to be living offers to Christ? Nothing bad will come of this! During this festive season, are you ready to recommit to following Christ with everything in you? Are you ready to tell Him that there is nothing that He can ask of you that you will not do? Do that and remember that He said that no one will be able to take you out of his hand. Oh, and enjoy the festive season!



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