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How Yawning Can Save Your Life...And The World (Part 2)

by Maxie Kamalski

What would your world look like if you started to empathize with those around you, and vice-versa?

I have noticed an interesting thing that happens inside me every time I have empathy for someone else. I very quickly become their biggest supporter instead of their biggest critic. Let me be very honest here with you and share a story from my own marriage.

My husband and I don’t always see eye to eye and we are both quite stubborn. When I unpack our disagreements they tend to begin either because we are making assumptions about each other or we aren’t really listening to what the other person is saying, both which frequently lead to a lack of empathy with each other.

Recently we were having a disagreement and I was stubbornly holding on to my point, not taking the time to understand or empathize with his situation. After some honest but tough conversation, I finally began to understand what he was going through, allowing me to to recall a time where I was going through a similarly stressful season. I remembered how hard it was and how much I needed support of any kind, which let me release my point, listen, and truly support him. All of my criticism towards him, and for the strength of my own argument flew out the door as I felt deep empathy for him.

To empathize with someone you need to seek to FIRST understand, and then be understood. Only then you can love others well. I think that is why God built empathy into us. He gave us the ability to love and support others, not because it’s a command, but because we have the privilege to truly understand another. Empathy continually changes my life when I embrace this reality.

I am learning to enjoy yawning when others yawn first.



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