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Jesus help ons om in genade te groei en te geniet.

deur Tom Smith Dit is hartseer wanneer mense so hard vir die Here werk dat hulle die genot van genade misloop. Ek lees onlangs ’n pragtige verhaal van juis iemand wat vreeslik hard probeer het om God te volg. ’n Wyse man help hom toe om te ontsnap uit sy “tronk van sterke heiligheid.” “In order that his study in the holy books should not suffer too long interruption, Rabbi Shmelke used to sleep in no other way than sitting, his head on his arm; but between his fingers he held a burning candle that awakened him as soon as the flame touched his hand. When Rabbi Elimelech visited him and recognized the still imprisoned might of his holiness, he carefully prepared for him a couch and induced him with much persuasion to stretch himself out on it for a while. Then he shut and darkened the window. Rabbi Shmelke only awoke when it was already broad daylight. He noticed how long he had slept, but it did not bother him; for he felt an unknown, sunlike clarity. He went into the prayer house and prayed before the community, as was his custom. To the community, however, it appeared as if they had never before heard him, so did the might of his holiness compel and liberate all. When he sang the song of the Red Sea, they had to pull up their caftans in order that the waves rearing up to the right and the left should not wet them.”



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