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A Voting Guide For Christ-Followers

(On The 2016 United States Presidential Election, Part II)

A Prayer Guide for the upcoming United States Presidential Election that I adapted from Brian Hill of

@RHMissionViejo for the recent South African Municipal Elections.

Its prayer points seem more urgent by the day.


A Note on eKerk and Fellow South Africans: The views expressed in this blog series are entirely my own. I know that eKerk’s audience is primarily South African Christians who speak Afrikaans. As an “honorary South African” (married into the family!), I am expressing my conviction about the upcoming United States Presidential election after much thought, prayer, and dialogue with my wife. I am certain that my views do not express the general opinion of all South Africans, let alone South African Christians. However, I am uncomfortably aware that the world is watching the US election with baited breath (as it always does), knowing that the results of this election will directly affect the rest of the world. As an American follower of Jesus living in Cape Town, trying to navigate this election with humility and conviction, I feel compelled to speak up from my small platform, hopefully invoking prayer and considered reflection for the good of all. My great hope is that you would consider my words with this spirit of searching reflection, regardless of ‘where you land,’ and that as a result, we would love our neighbours all the more deeply as a result.

Hopeful for the continued restoration of all things,

Chris Kamalski


As my fellow Americans prepare to vote in the upcoming United States presidential election, I ask you a difficult question: What voting decision do you need to make this November 8th, that would honour the name of Jesus and keep your conscience clean in the best possible manner?

May I suggest an action and three voting options for you to consider?

An Action:

  1. Register to vote and make your voice heard. We can't stay silent as followers of Jesus, even if ‘less than ideal choices’ abound. Register to vote here:

Three Voting Options:

  1. Find a 3rd part candidate ‘down ballot’ you can support, or support enough. There is no perfect candidate. Democratic politics fundamentally involves compromise and pragmatism.

  2. Write in a candidate you can fully support, or support enough, even if it is as a ‘protest vote.’

Write in yourself! Better yet, run for local school city board or a municipal election and begin to be

the change you wish to see in this world. Change starts at the micro level, and often within our own hearts first.

  1. Consider a non-Trump vote, regardless of who it is for. There is a way to compromise on a voting

decision – making the best possible choice you can – while still maintaining your personal ethic. Too much is at stake to do nothing, and to allow the worst scenario to play itself out.

Our world is screaming for wise, stable, ethical, merciful leadership.

Your voice as a follower of Jesus can be a key antidote to this cry.

I am praying for your discernment and for our country in this critical hour.

Written in Love as an American follower of Jesus, living in Cape Town, trying to navigate this election,

-Chris Kamalski


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