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The Most Precious Treasure Is Not Always Buried

“Not everything that glitters is gold,” as the saying goes. That is why the most precious treasure

are not always found buried underground, but often right in your midst. Look right around you –

your husband or wife, your parents or children, your closest friends – these precious souls are

the very gifts that the Lord has given to you. They are your most valued earthly possessions. No,

the Lord did not intend that you wrestle through life alone. God gave you fellow human beings as

your helpmates, those you lean on, and as your greatest supporters.

What do you do for those dearest to you? Do you pray for them regularly? Are you an example

for them of devotion unto God? Do you make enough time for them? Or are you always tired

when you have to spend special quality time with your family and friends? Is there always more

work that needs to get done, keeping you distracted from what matters most? If so, then perhaps

you haven’t truly discovered God’s special treasure: human beings themselves. Look the people

around you in the eye once again. Thank God for the opportunity to live near them.

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