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Echurch is both an online and offline community of followers of Jesus. Subscribe to get the latest articles, devotions, news and research reports.

One of God’s ‘Go-To People’

In English, we label trusted friends as ‘Go-To People’ – the people that you turn to first

when you need help. They are people with caring hearts full of wisdom. A question I

wrestle with at times though, is where does everybody go when people are in desperate

need of God? Who are those people that immediately stand out as true, deep followers of

Jesus? I have a suspicion that they are ordinary people who quietly follow the way of God

without pretence or show. These faithful friends are filled with character; people for

whom ‘Yes means Yes;’ people that follow through on their word. Jesus describes these

people in Matthew 25 as being those who hand out cold water, carrying the broken, all in

the Name of God. It will be those who do not constantly judge or discard others, but

rather serve them, walking the extra mile with those who do not deserve it. God's ‘Go-To

People’ are quiet souls who draw others to the heart of God, a ‘living magnet’ of sorts.

These are the kind of people that model how to live with God in intimacy simply through

the daily example of their life’s behaviour. These are the kind of leaders worth following.

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