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Jesus is not in My Social Class

I recently saw a fancy car drive in front of me with the license plate ‘God's Gift,’ and I

thought to myself, ‘That doesn’t sound right.’ Suddenly, I was reminded of another

license plate I once saw with the word ‘Blessed’ imprinted on it. I began to wonder how a

less fortunate follower of Jesus, often hungry, living on a few decent meals a week, might

feel upon seeing this. How would a person who discovers a pair of second-hand shoes in

the trash can of a ‘Have It All’ feel about a license plate claiming once as ‘Blessed?’ As I

continued reflecting, I realised that I myself also try to make Jesus fit into a certain social

class. In all honesty, on quite a few occasions I have thought of Jesus as the One who

should bless me with prosperity, safety and success. It's in those moments that I confuse

God's blessing with possessions that do not last. Luckily, God remains gracious with me.

He invites us to cross the street and bless those who have been forgotten by this world,

sharing the blessing we have with those around us.

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