We Are Not God’s Advisors
We are not God's advisors; we are his servants. We do not follow him in a powerful advisory
role, but rather in a way of selfless service. Our prayers are not instructions for God on how he
should act. God alone determines the direction; we simply follow the path laid out before us.
Does this mean we aren't allowed to think about things, ask questions, or even wrestle with him?
No, but all of those things happen in the context of a relationship built upon respect. When it
comes to the way of God, we are followers, not directors. We listen and trust.
Sometimes we have to wrestle to arrive at the right direction that God is ‘traveling.’ His path is
not always easy to walk upon. Sometimes it is steep and dangerous, and we become lost.
Sometimes we are even taken aback by His Word, as Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 4. Thankfully,
God is always near to us, even in our off-days. We are still His servants, His followers, and His
children. We are very precious to Him. That is why God leads us with such amazing grace.