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Do Good; It’s God’s Will

Stephen Post is an academic in the United States that is known for his research on happiness. He

recalls that as a child, when he would have a bad day his mom would often tell him: "Why don't

you go out and do something good for someone else?" Upon hearing this, Post would go over to

the neighbor’s house to rake their leaves or help with household tasks. Post remembers that every

single time he acted in this manner, he returned home happier. Years later, his research taught

him that we are created by God to do good. Intentional acts of love and kindness towards our

neighbors leads to greater emotional stability, better quality of life, deeper emotional happiness,

longer life-expectancy, and even contributes to lower one’s blood pressure! From God's

perspective, to do good is a joyful instruction that delivers temporary and lasting rewards. To do

good in God's name is intended to be a normal part of our spirituality, happening almost

automatically without thought. In fact, 1 Peter 2:15 it says that ‘it is God's will for us to do good.

Doing good is not optional. Doing good is a fundamental part of our faith. Go and do good,

helping to fulfill the will of God.

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