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We Do Not Work in God’s ‘How Do We Explain This?’ Department

“Why do people constantly try and explain away my suffering?,” someone who lost a

child, recently asked me. "Everything from my lack of faith to God picking the most

beautiful flowers first is given a a shallow reasons for my loss" she said in a haunting

spirit. The reality is that we are not called by God to give quick, shallow answers for each

others' suffering. Just look at the insensitive, loveless reactions that Job's three friends

gave him in the wake of the loss of his entire family, and all of his possessions, in a

growing tragedy. Their explanations ranged from Job's secret sins to his children's

transgressions for which God was now punishing him for. As damning as these responses

must have felt, Job refused to see his friends as the official voice of explanation for his

suffering. The result? God restores Job in fullness, while not dismissing his great loss.

Do not follow in the misguided footsteps of Job’s friends. Don't try and explain away

other people's suffering. Rather, wipe away their tears in God’s Name. The Lord will let

Himself be found by those who honestly seek Him. He will comfort them in His own

way, and with His own sense of timing. You need to be His witness, not His advocate.

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