Easter Is A Season
What if Easter were not just a day...but an entire season where we lived out the reality of the Resurrection of Jesus?
"The Christian feast of Pentecost developed late in the fourth century, but it did not mean the feast day fifty days after Easter. It meant 'the great fifty days,' or 'the fifty days of Easter.' The phrase is an important one in a world that runs from one event to another, barely present at any of them. The word meant 'the fifty days of Easter,' not 'the fifty days after Easter.' This was an entire period of rejoicing. It was Paschaltide or Eastertide, not one day among many but many days of wonder and joy and new life all in a row." (Joan Chittester, The Liturgical Year)
Music: "Always Be" by Josh Garrels, from his amazing new album "Home" Purchase "Home" on iTunes here --> itunes.apple.com/us/album/home/id973223133
Written and Directed by Chris Kamalski
A Kitchen Table Stories Production