He Is For Me
by Maxie Kamalski
I have grown to become quite a suspicious person. It’s one of those things that is both a blessing and a curse. I think that it’s partly my personality, partly my strength, and partly having seen and experienced the worst of people in the world. On one hand, I tend to be a bit more cautious in general, thinking through all the options until I find the best and safest one. On the other hand, it makes trusting people quite hard. It makes me think through all the things that can go wrong in any situation with someone, and leads me to have a often have a hard time trusting that they have good intentions toward me. I tend to simply believe that they are out to get me.
This tendency is a very faith-shattering belief I have placed onto God. More often than not, when things go wrong or I don't see any good coming my way, I immediately place the blame on God thinking that He was out to get me. The world has taught me that if I don’t experience a sense of security, am going through a hard time, or am not experiencing what the world sees as success, that means that God is not for me.
In reality though, God is for me. In the midst of hard times, instability, and uncertainty, it doesn't mean God isn’t for me as I naturally want to think. He does not seek to make my life as difficult as He can for me. No matter the situation, God’s heart towards me is good. God wants to show goodness and love towards me because He is good himself. No matter what the world shows me, God’s heart toward me remains good. My circumstances do not change the fact that God is for me always.
Choosing to have faith in God’s heart of goodness is the only thing that will keep us going in the midst of a world that can be very harsh and uncertain. Regardless of what you’re facing, have faith, for God is for you.